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Rural voters may love Trump, but he's setting them up for a big shock

Rural voters are more likely to vote for Donald Trump. In fact, it’s what propelled him to the White House in 2016. Yet Americans voting for the presidential candidate who proposes an all-out trade war with Chinaour biggest agricultural exportare voting against their economic interests.

As Daily Kos’ Markos Moulitsas reported earlier this month, white rural voters are key to Trump taking back the White House. However, economists warn that a tariff trade war would worsen inflation and economic growth. 

That hasn’t stopped Trump from doubling down on his favored fix-all economic proposal. 

“Other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with them will be charged the same tax when they send their product into the United States. It will be called the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,” Trump said at a Pennsylvania rally in August. “So, if China or any other country charges us a 100% or 200% tariff or tax, we will then charge them 100% or 200%.”

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