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Did You Know the UN Is Demanding Jews Leave the ‘Jewish Quarter’ of Jerusalem?

The Western Wall and Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Last week, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution brought by the Palestinians that could only be described as a violation of all principles of justice, history, and equality. Those who supported or abstained from this vote, nearly 170 countries, have sent a clear message to the world that they are morally unmoored.

In addition to affirming the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s non-binding Advisory Opinion from July 19, 2024, which essentially rejected Israel’s historical and rightful connection to Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, the UN resolution adopts other stipulations that are downright nefarious.

In and of itself, the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion is appallingly distorted and ahistorical. And when the additional stipulations of the General Assembly’s resolution are included, all principles by which a moral society is guided are inverted and subverted.

By referring to the West Bank as “Occupied Palestinian Territory” and accusing Israel of violating the Palestinians’ right to sovereignty and self-determination, the ICJ and UN perpetuate a destructive, counter-factual, and ahistorical narrative that does nothing to advance peace. In fact, they promote the opposite.

The General Assembly resolution invoked UN Resolution 2334-2016, which disassociated Jews from their historical and religious connection to Israel by claiming Jerusalem, the Jewish Quarter, and other important Jewish geographical areas are “occupied,” furthering the false narrative that Palestinians are the rightful heirs of the disputed territories and that any Israeli presence anywhere in the disputed territories is unlawful.

It leaves out the fact that these areas came under Israeli control during a defensive war in 1967, in which numerous Arab states sought the destruction and eradication of Israel.

The resolution also leaves out that the Palestinian Authority has governed most of these areas since the signing of the Oslo Accords, despite violating those Accords on a frequent basis.

At no time in history has the West Bank been reserved for Palestinian people as the Palestinian territory. In fact, before 1967, this territory was fully controlled by Jordan. Israel, historically and legally, has ties — and arguably rights — to parts of the disputed territories. This resolution denies even that. It also denies that the presence of Israel in many of these territories is a matter that is set to be agreed upon by both Israel and the Palestinians under the Oslo Accords — not unilaterally by the United Nations.

The resolution then calls on all states to do what’s necessary to fulfill the “realization of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,” including a boycott of Israel.

As far as Palestinian self-determination is concerned, for nearly 20 years Gaza had been fully sovereign, and the Palestinian people there have held complete self-determination to shape their future. October 7 should have been a clarion call to the world that the Palestinians failed spectacularly to orient their efforts to the construction of a state. Instead, Hamas created a terrorist industrial complex in pursuit of the destruction of Israel.

Furthermore, by passing this Resolution at a time when Hamas is still holding onto power in the Gaza Strip (and still holding approximately 100 Israeli hostages) gives both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority an incentive to continue their war against Israel, knowing the UN is on their side. (The Resolution contains no references to Hamas, Palestinian terrorism, or the hostages still held in Gaza).

By allowing this resolution to pass, the world is essentially elevating fiction above truth, promoting terrorism rather than dialogue, expediting folly over common sense, and subverting the very principles that fortified the free world in its battles against fascism and communism.

To allow this resolution to pass under any circumstance would simply be a violation of justice. To allow this resolution to pass while Israel is currently fighting for its existence against parties bringing this resolution is a travesty of morality.

Israel is a friend to all nations with which it has developed relationships. It’s the first on the scene in a disaster. It’s the first to share its advancements and technologies to those allies in need of assistance. What’s more, Israelis and Jews are known for their genius, passion, compassion, and morality, all of which have benefited the world for millennia.

Look at the pro-Hamas protests in the streets of American cities, and look at Jewish protests in support of Israel. At the former, you will often find calls for destruction, violence, and the eradication of an entire group of people. In the latter, you will find peaceful demonstrations that respect that right to life for all people.

This resolution sacrifices the promise of peace for the promise of instability, terrorism, and antisemitism. What a sham — and what a shame.

Mark Sachs is the founder of Orwell Grey Strategic Communications, co-author of the book, The Cancel Culture Curse, and is a long-time pro-Israel activist. 

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