News in English

The Computer System

COMPUTER SYSTEMDefinition: Is a collection of entities(hardware,software and liveware) that are designed to receive, process, manage and present information in a meaningful format.COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMComputer hardware - Are physical parts/ intangible parts of a computer. eg Input devices, output devices, central processing unit and storage devicesComputer software - also known as programs or applications. They are classified into two classes namely - sytem software and application softwareLiveware - is the computer user. Also kwon as orgwareor the humanware. The user commands the computer system to execute on instructions.a) COMPUTER HARDWAREHardware refers to the physical, tangible computer equipment and devices, which provide support for major functions such as input, processing (internal storage, computation and control), output, secondary storage (for data and programs), and communication.HARDWARE CATEGORIES (Functional Parts)A computer system is a set of integrated device...

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