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Automation can create jobs


CNN reports:

Self-service kiosks at McDonald’s and other fast-food chains have loomed as job killers since they were first rolled out 25 years ago. But nobody predicted what actually happened. …

Instead, touchscreen kiosks have added extra work for kitchen staff and pushed customers to order more food than they do at the cash register. The kiosks show the unintended consequences of technology in fast-food and retail settings, including self-checkout. Chains are now experimenting with artificial intelligence at drive-thru lanes, and the experience with kiosks holds lessons for them.

Today, instead of replacing workers, companies deploy kiosks to transfer labor to other tasks like handing off pickup orders, help increase sales, easily adjust prices and speed up service.

This makes sense to me. I always use a kiosk as I like to be able to browse what is available, without the pressure of having a staff member waiting for me. I often end up ordering more. So this creates more work for the store, and staff who once used to take orders, are now in the kitchen etc.

It its a good reminder that we shouldn’t fear automation and/or AI. It will impact jobs, but it will create jobs also.

The post Automation can create jobs first appeared on Kiwiblog.

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