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Taliban and Pakistani forces clash intensely in Nangarhar province

Residents stated that Afghan Taliban and Pakistani border guards clashed on Saturday evening in the Goshteh district of Nangarhar province.

According to the sources, heavy fighting continues between the two sides. So far, neither Pakistani nor Taliban officials have commented on the reasons behind the conflict.

Previously, some residents of Goshteh district in Nangarhar and Khas Kunar also said that a skirmish had occurred the previous day over the construction of a checkpoint between Pakistani border forces and the Taliban.

They also mentioned that following the clash, Pakistan launched rocket attacks on border villages in both districts.

Local sources reported that the Taliban intended to build a checkpoint in the Anargi area of Goshteh, but the Pakistani military opposed the construction.

This is not the first time the two sides have clashed along the border. There have been multiple confrontations between Pakistani border guards and the Taliban in Nangarhar, Khost, and Kandahar in the past.

These recurring skirmishes highlight the fragile and volatile nature of the border regions between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The lack of a clear resolution or diplomatic efforts to manage border disputes continues to fuel tensions, leading to repeated military escalations.

Both countries must dialogue and seek peaceful solutions to prevent further loss of life and disruption in the affected areas.

The post Taliban and Pakistani forces clash intensely in Nangarhar province appeared first on Khaama Press.

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