Skinned and deceased dog dumped feet away from metro home
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — A metro family says a partially skinned dead dog was dumped feet away from their home in East Oklahoma City.
Sarah Bush said the dog was dumped Friday and has been decomposing by a dumpster for more than 48 hours.
"It's at least the fifth dog," says Bush.
Bush also says, "This has been going on for a couple of years now. I mean, there's been dogs that showed up at the grocery store, showed up at that parking lot, showing up over here in the field. And it's been happening quite often."
Bush and her husband have lived in their metro home for quite some time, raising their two children.
"It's very concerning for my children. I mean, I won't even let them outside to play," says Bush.
Bush says seeing dead animals dumped is frequent in her neighborhood.
Bush tells News 4, she called animal welfare and Oklahoma City Police to try and get the animal removed since it's so close to her home.
"I've contacted them. And then they said, We'll transfer you to the deceased animal pickup. And I talked to them and they've never showed," says Bush.
Animal Welfare is closed Sundays and Mondays.
I called Oklahoma City Police, a woman told me on the phone, in cases like these all they can do is report the death to animal welfare, and it's up to them to go out and get the animal.
"It's very worrisome," says Bush.