News in English

Notice of Annual General Meeting

To join the Annual General Meetings of Cambridge University Boat Club and The CUBC Foundation virtually, please use the following Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 6160 4538

Cambridge University Boat Club – Notice of Annual General
Sunday 17 November 2024

The Annual General Meeting of Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC) will be held in a dual format by videoconference and in person at the Goldie Boathouse  at 2:00pm on Sunday 17 November 2024 for the following purposes:

  1. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 3 December 2023.
  2. To receive annual reports from the Club Chair, the Treasurer, the Student Directors, and the Chief Coaches.
  3. To receive the annual report and accounts of CUBC for the year ended 31st July 2024.
  4. To note the resignations of Ms J. Armstrong and Mr. S. Benzecry as Student Directors of CUBC.
  5. To note the continued service of Mr M. Edge as Student Director of CUBC.
  6. To note the resignation of Mr S. Harris as Chair of the CUBC Rowing and Management Board and to convey the thanks of the Club for his service.
  7. In accordance with Article 30(4)(c), to elect an RM Board Chair to succeed Mr S Harris. It is noted that Mr B Potterill was appointed as deputy RM Board Chair with effect from the 2024 Boat Races and has indicated his willingness to stand for election as RM Board Chair.*
  8. To note and to ratify the appointment of Dr L. Havard and Mr L. Ferraro as Student Directors of CUBC.
  9. To retain Mr S. Berriman of Chater Allan as independent examiner of the accounts of CUBC and to authorise the Directors to agree his remuneration.

By Order of the Board

You will find a link to the Form of Proxy to be used in connection with this AGM here, with additional details at the end of this Notice. A proxy enables a member to nominate someone to attend and to vote at a meeting on his or her behalf.

*Article 30(4)(c) states that the RM Board Chair shall be elected at Annual General Meetings of the Club as determined by the RM Board. Any member may nominate a person to be RM Board Chair (as long as the candidate is a Life Member) and should do so by contacting Fiona Gabrielczyk at

CUBC Rowing and Management Board as at 17 November 2024.

Position and year of office( if Student Director )Person
President – Women’s (2024-25)Lucy Havard
President – Men’s (2024-25)Luca Ferraro
Secretary (2024-25)Matthew Edge
Club ChairAnnamarie Phelps
Deputy RMB ChairBrian Potterill
TreasurerStephen Wyborn
Vice Chancellor’s RepresentativeRoger Mosey
Foundation MemberNicholas Bliss
Senior MembersJudith Bunbury, Morag Hunter
Co-opted members of the Rowing and Management Board who attend meetings but are not DirectorsJames Behrens (BRCL Rep), Henry Fieldman (Competition), Fiona McAnena (Branding), Toby Parnell (Commercialisation), Fay Sandford (BRCL Rep). Gerald Kuening (Talent ID)
In Attendance (not Directors)
LWT W President (24-25)Madeline Jackson
LWT M President (24-25)Gianluca Maffi
Administrative Secretary (24-25)Jenna Armstrong
Head of Philanthropy and CommunicationsSarah-Kate Roberts
Rowing Safety OfficerAntony Reynolds
Volunteer CoordinatorSarah Shipton
Executive SecretaryFiona Gabrielczyk
Chief Coach – Women’sPatrick Ryan
Chief Coach – Men’sRobert Baker

The CUBC Foundation – Notice of Annual General Meeting
Sunday 17 November 2024

The Annual General Meeting of The CUBC Foundation (TCF) will be held by videoconference and physically at the Goldie Boathouse, Kimberley Road, Cambridge, CB4 1HJ  immediately following the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Cambridge University Boat Club to be held at

2.00pm on Sunday 17 November 2024 , for the following purposes:

  1. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the TCF held on Sunday 3 December 2023.
  2. To receive the annual report and accounts of TCF for the year ended 31st July 2024.
  3. To note the resignations of Ms J. Armstrong and Mr S. Benzecry as Life Member Council Directors of TCF.
  4. To note the continued service of Mr M. Edge as Life Member Council Director of TCF.
  5. To note the appointment of Dr L. Havard and Mr L. Ferraro as Life Member Council Directors of TCF.
  6. To retain Mr S. Berriman of Chater Allan as independent examiner of the accounts of TCF and to authorise the Directors to agree his remuneration.

By Order of the Council

You will find a link to the Form of Proxy to be used in connection with this AGM here, with additional details at the end of this Notice. A proxy enables a member to nominate someone to attend and to vote at a meeting on his or her behalf.

The CUBC Foundation Council at 17 November 2024

Position and year of office (if Student Director)Person
President – Women’s (2024-25)Lucy Havard
President – Men’s (2024-25)Luca Ferraro
Secretary (2023-24)Matthew Edge
ChairNicholas Bliss
Senior MemberProfessor Paul Luzio
TreasurerTom Amies
Club ChairAnnamarie Phelps
Life Member Council Directors:Mark Horton, David Lowish, Katherine Panter, Paul Withers
In Attendance:
LWT W President (24-25)Madeline Jackson
LWT M President (24-25)Gianluca Maffi
Administrative Secretary (24-25)Jenna Armstrong
Head of Philanthropy and CommunicationsSarah-Kate Roberts
Volunteer Co-ordinatorSarah Shipton
Foundation SecretaryFiona Gabrielczyk

Notes to the Notice of Meetings

  1. Members are entitled to appoint a proxy, as per Section 324 of the Companies Act 2006, article 19 of The CUBC Foundation constitution, and article 19 of The CUBC constitution to exercise all or any of their rights to attend and to speak and vote on their behalf at the meeting. A proxy need not be a Member of the Club. A proxy form which may be used to make such appointment and give proxy instructions accompanies this notice. Members should bear in mind that if they appoint a proxy other than the chairman of the meeting, that proxy may attend the meeting either by videoconference or in person.
  2. To be valid, any proxy forms or other instrument appointing a proxy must be delivered by post to Fiona Gabrielczyk, CUBC Executive Secretary, Goldie Boathouse, Kimberley Road, Cambridge, CB4 1HJ or sent electronically by completing the form linked here for The CUBC Foundation and here for the CUBC to be received no later than 1.45 p.m. on Friday 15 November 2024.
  3. A vote withheld will not be counted in the calculation of votes for or against the resolutions. If no voting indication is given, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at his or her discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as he or she thinks fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The return of a completed proxy form will not prevent a member attending the General Meetings by videoconference if he/she wishes to do so.
  5. If you submit more than one valid proxy appointment, the appointment received last before the latest time for the receipt of proxies will take precedence.
  6. Voting on all resolutions will be conducted by way of a show of hands.
  7. Copies of the key documents which are to be discussed at the General Meeting will be available for at least 7 days prior to the Meeting and during the Meeting.
  8. Except as provided above, members who have general queries about the Meeting should email the CUBC Executive Secretary, Fiona Gabrielczyk ( (no other methods of communication will be accepted).
  9. Any member attending the Meeting has the right to ask questions. The Club must cause to be answered any such question relating to the business being dealt with at the Meeting but no such answer need be given if (a) to do so would interfere unduly with the preparation for the Meeting or involve the disclosure of confidential information or (b) it is undesirable in the interests of the Club or the good order of the Meeting that the question be answered.

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