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5 Oceans of the World (Indian, Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific & Antarctic) | Earth Eclipse

Up to the present time, when it comes to discussions about the earth’s surface cover, most of it is covered by water. About 70% of the entire earth’s surface is overlaid with water, most of which are the oceans. Out of the total water surface on earth, more than 96% is the ocean’s salty water.The oceans are large masses of water bordering the continents. Even though they are all interlinked, they are predominantly categorized into five oceans as follows; the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. Each of these oceans has distinctive characteristics and are spread across the seven continents of the world.Table of contentsList of 5 Oceans of the World 1. The Pacific Ocean | Area: 161,760,000 km2 , Volume: 660,000,000 km3 2. The Atlantic Ocean | Area: 85,133,000 km2 , Volume: 310,410,900 km3 3. The Indian Ocean | Area: 70,560,000 km2 , Volume: 264,000,000 km3 4. Southern Ocean | Area: 70,560,000 km2 , Volume: 310,410,900 km3 5. The A...

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