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My girlfriend cheated it on me in a club and phoned to tell me about it

DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend got off with some guy in a club then phoned me, waking me up, to tell me all about it.

We are both 24 and I truly love her. I’m a guy who falls in love easily but she’s everything I wanted in a woman – pretty and intelligent, with a big heart.

She’s a hairdresser and she was out for a mate’s birthday. She said he was some random guy in a club who she started dancing with and then kissed. Apparently there was nothing more in it.

Although I didn’t yell at her or anything like that, I said I’d have to think things over.

Then she didn’t answer my messages the next day and when she finally did, she went really cold with me. It was almost as if she was looking for a reaction.

I don’t know what to think or what to do now. Is she trying to tell me it’s over?

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DEIDRE SAYS: It’s difficult to say when she’s stopped communicating. Perhaps she thought cheating on you would ensure that you had the difficult job of ending it, rather than her.

Alternatively, she may be crying out for attention. Is she feeling taken for granted?

Have you got a flagging sex life or is there some other reason she wants you to wake up and smell the coffee?

Ask her what’s lacking for her or does she think your relationship has run its course?

My support pack called How To Look After Your Relationship explains how good relationships are formed and how to improve bonds.



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