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Why are flags at half-staff in Ohio?

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Gov. Mike DeWine has ordered U.S. and Ohio flags to be flown at half-staff.

To honor of the life and service of former Congressman Dave Hobson, DeWine has ordered the flags of the United States and the state of Ohio to be lowered at all public buildings and grounds throughout Champaign, Clark, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Logan, Perry, Pickaway, Ross, and Union counties. The order also affects the Ohio Statehouse, the Vern Riffe Center, and the Rhodes State Office Tower on Monday, until the day of his funeral.

All other public buildings and grounds throughout the state may fly the flags of the United States and the state of Ohio at half-staff at their discretion for the same time period.

"When I went from the Ohio Senate to Congress, [Hobson] replaced me as a state senator and when I left Congress to become Ohio Lieutenant Governor he won my former seat in the U.S. House of Representatives," said DeWine. "He was extremely effective in each position, achieving tangible results for his district and the country. Dave worked well with everyone and both Democrats and Republicans appreciated his good judgement and ability to reach common ground."

Hobson served in the Ohio Air National Guard and was an advocate for the Miami Valley region, including the National Guard Air Base in Springfield, and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton.

"Dave was my friend -- an honorable, dedicated, and steadfast public servant," DeWine said. "I always looked forward to hearing from Dave as he shared his advice and counsel,  and luckily for me, that was a frequent occurrence."

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