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How to Rewire Your Brain: 6 Neuroplasticity Exercises

Some tips to help your brain relearn abilities and develop include playing video games, learning a new language, making music, and traveling, among others.Share on PinterestExperts have yet to determine the limits of the brain’s abilities. Some believe we may never fully understand them all. But evidence does support the existence of one of its most important processes: neuroplasticity. “Neuroplasticity” refers to your brain’s ability to restructure or rewire itself when it recognizes the need for adaption. In other words, it can continue developing and changing throughout life.For example, if brain trauma after a car accident affects your ability to speak, you haven’t necessarily lost this ability permanently. Therapy and rehabilitation can help your brain relearn this ability by repairing old pathways or creating new ones.Neuroplasticity also seems to have promise as a driver of potential treatment for certain mental health conditions. Experts believe the negative thought patterns th...

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