Ontario Professional Planners Institute announces 2024 PlanON Awards winners
The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI), which is the voice of the planning profession in the province, hosted the 2024 PlanON Awards at its annual conference to honour the achievements of Registered Professional Planners (RPPs) and other OPPI members at all career stages.
The PlanON Awards are the highest honour OPPI can bestow. This year, there were 13 award winners who demonstrated excellence in creating thoughtful, innovative, and well-planned communities across Ontario as well as a commitment to advancing the planning profession.
OPPI also introduced a new award this year, Project of the Year, to recognize the top submission amongst the Award of Excellence winners.
“Our members work hard every day to plan great communities that have enough homes, hospitals, schools, greenspace, transportation options and more while protecting farmland, natural heritage, and water resources,” said Claire Basinski, chair, OPPI. “As an organization we’re excited to honour this work through the PlanON Awards and are incredibly proud of this year’s winners.”
All submissions underwent a review process including a peer-review by a jury made up of six professionals with a wealth of knowledge and experience in planning.
“The PlanON Awards recognize the ways our members are advancing the profession and improving the quality, livability, and sustainability of Ontario communities,” said Susan Wiggins, executive director, OPPI. “Registered Professional Planners (RPPs) play a vital role in shaping future communities and these awards recognize their challenging but rewarding work.”
Winning projects including the Growing Together planning framework in Kitchener, the Vision Soho project in London, and the Aging but not Forgotten study in Elliot Lake.
For more information and to view all 13 winners, click here.