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TPT 2023 Visitor Survey

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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

TPT 2023 Visitor Survey

It’s important for the for the TPT National Office to know our audience and keep in touch with them to find out what our users think about the Trail and if we can work with our partners to improve their visitor experience.  This is one of the main reasons we carry out an annual visitor survey – it’s a great way to give us an insight into what they feel and we always get some great feedback.

From those who completed this year’s survey some of the key highlights were:

  • 96% were regular users of the Trail.
  • 55% of people are still using the Trail more since the Covid Pandemic.
  • 10% use the Trail to help with their mental wellbeing.
  • 77% of people gave the Trail a high or very high level of user satisfaction.
  • 95% of the users would recommend the Trail to others.

We also use this report to work out on average, how much each person spends out on the Trail.  The 2023 survey indicated an average of £44.29 with 48% of visitors spending during their journey on the Trail.

To break it down into actual user types, the report indicates the spend as follows:

The majority of users completing the survey were aged 40+ so we need to look at what measures we need to take to find out why younger users aren’t completing the survey and can we get them onboard for our 2024 survey – so please get in touch if you have any ideas

In 2022, we began calculating the spending power of the Purple Pound – this is the spending power of disabled households.  In 2022 the figure was £13.80 and this has risen to £20.00 in our 2023 survey.  Feedback from users and advice we’ve had from other organisations clearly shows that if you provide facilities that are accessible to all, then you will get people coming back time and time again because they know they’re catered for.  What more evidence do we all need to get accessibility high on the agenda!

The 2023 survey also saw an increase from 15% to 17% for people using electric cycles which really shows how people are using the Trail with aided cycling.

Other good statistics were that 93% of users found the signage to be good an increase of 5% from our 2022 figures.  90% of users found the surfacing to be good and this was a huge 13% increase from our 2022 figures which clearly shows how much the investment in resurfacing means to our users.

You can read more about the full survey on our website.

Date: 1st February 2024 

Mandy Loach                       

Interactive Map

See our interactive mapping for detailed route alignment and route diversions.


Using the tables below you can work out how far you want to go on the TPT.

Useful Links for Information

Check our useful links regarding accessibility

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