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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Oct. 20, 2024

Stephanie O’Brien a good choice for COM board

College of Marin is in great hands with its current leadership from the Board of Trustees. I am writing to ask voters in Area 7 to reelect Stephanie O’Brien to the College of Marin Board of Trustees in the November election.

The current board has provided strong, steady leadership and good fiscal stewardship to turn vision into reality — particularly as it concerns the Novato Indian Valley campus.

For over 10 years, I worked closely with the College of Marin’s IVC organic farm and garden program. I witnessed the long-term success of many students. For example, one student who was struggling with a challenging background got excited about pursuing a college credential after a gardening course and tending to the bee hives. She got support in developing her career plan, trained to become an electrician and is now a licensed master electrician with her own business. Another student studied horticulture and then started her own very successful large food production farm.

The revitalization of IVC is happening now. I know of several partnerships with Marin County, local nonprofits, businesses (including nearby Nugget Market) and the Marin County Fire Foundry, all designed to engage local students and help them build employable skills.

This revitalized campus is all due to the current board’s leadership and vision. O’Brien has been a key part of that guidance. She has been a longtime advocate for all students and is endorsed by education and community leaders. Learn more at and please vote for Stephanie O’Brien.

— Marilee Eckert, Novato

Joly is best for Division 3 seat on NMWD’s board

The Marin IJ editorial board got it right in its endorsement of Division 3 incumbent Mike Joly for reelection to the North Marin Water District Board of Directors. I have been a resident of Novato for 31 years and was employed at NMWD for 24 of those years. I worked closely with Joly for over five years while in senior management at NMWD prior to my retirement in 2022.

I have always found Joly to be honest, sincere, thorough and hardworking in his capacity as an NMWD director. He came to each board meeting fully prepared to address all matters of district governance, engaging in critical discussions and consistently pursuing its mission to provide good water and good service at a good value.

Joly’s keen financial expertise garnered from an investment banking career has been a solid asset during board deliberations. If you check his NMWD board record, you will see that Joly has strived to represent NMWD ratepayers by voting on measures which ensure efficient and cost-effective operations. He does so while also recognizing the critical value of its highly skilled and professional staff.

If you are an NMWD Division 3 voter, I hope that you join me in support of Mike Joly, and vote for his reelection as a director.

— Drew McIntyre, Novato

Some changes needed at Vista Point overlook

For the first time in many years, I recently stopped at the Golden Gate Bridge Vista Point overlook, as many Bay Area visitors do, to take in the spectacular views of the bridge and San Francisco skyline. I was shocked by what I saw and what our visitors experienced.

Besides the graffiti and general uncleanliness, there were some 20 food vendors cooking hot dogs, vegetables and other items on makeshift gas grills, along with hawking fruit and beverages. While I’m sure it provides some level of service to a few, I almost needed to elbow my way through the vendors to get to the view. Besides vendors taking up scarce parking spaces and generally diminishing the overall experience, the smell of sizzling meat adjacent to an otherwise pristine view was quite startling.

Officials would do better to authorize a few licensed food trucks while putting some limitations on parking to provide services while maintaining a spectacular visitor experience.

I’m a longtime Sausalito and Mill Valley resident, downtown Sausalito business owner and a member of the Sausalito Economic Development Advisory Committee. At least in Sausalito (and I suspect most other Marin towns), visitor traffic is well off the levels we had before the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sausalito, we are taking a serious look at the little “touchpoints” that make up the full visitor experience in an effort to improve visitor satisfaction.

Vista Point is the “front door” for Sausalito and Marin County. We must make it one to be proud of.

— Hank Baker, Sausalito

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