Happy Talk
As polls remain alarmingly deadlocked, Kamala Harris’ campaign is doubling down on its commitment to good vibes. In the recent vice-presidential debate, Tim Walz declared that Harris has unified a coalition consisting of Bernie Sanders, Dick Cheney, and “a whole bunch of folks in between,” saying, “They don’t all agree on everything, but they are truly optimistic people. They believe in a positive future for this country, and one where our politics can be better than it is.” After this startling characterization of the glowering, undeniably malevolent architect of Bush fils’ rampages in Iraq and Afghanistan as a “truly optimistic” visionary, Walz went on to assert that “Franklin Roosevelt was right. All we have to fear is fear itself. Kamala Harris is bringing us a new way forward. She’s bringing us a politics of joy.”
The post Happy Talk appeared first on CounterPunch.org.