News in English

Somerset Guardian and Radstock Observer from Radstock, Avon, England

OM MINING INSTRUCTIOI COMMITTEE MAETDIG AT RADSTOCIE. Yesterday after Vi cto ia Radatock.noon the quarterly meeting ass bald the The mr inbers present were: Mr. George Z. J. Mc Murtha was voted to the chair), the J.liemptou. Major Stewart. C.C. Moors. t.11. osecretaajo the Somerset 'OtlntY Education J. G. Norman, 1.P.. J.Sellars, .1. Waite T. twist. and A. Z.Miters (treasurer). Cut. Thatcher wrote explaining that Mr. P. B.Reauchanip would not be able to attend. and letters were also reed from Menem Z. Spear, G. Dowling. and the secretary.Mr. Whitehouse, latter of shame had ea important engage- went in bortdon. and Mr. Chivers undertook act as secretary for the meeting. A report was read from a special sub-coatsettee on the question of the arrangement of Me venues of instruct the committee erriring at the onachielon ica dtet nothing would le pined by making ani a zt i tion in the centre at horton and Coi alig lti.wn fut with AVM to the NV) Litticto entre the trommittee felt that cit wou...

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