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Hotels Near USA Hotels Near Miami Marine Stadium

Are you looking for hotels near Miami Marine Stadium? has list of hotels near Miami Marine Stadium All the information and photos are from hotel websites. All hotel information subjected to change.Coral Reef SuitesCoral Reef Suites is located at 303 Galen Dr, Key Biscayne, FL 33149This is one of the hotels near Miami Marine Stadium that is a 10-minute drive from the heart of Miami and is near cafes, restaurants, upscale shops and beautiful boutiques. Amenities include WiFi pool, (chairs/towels/ umbrellas), cable and parking. Suites include: bedding, large working desk, high-definition LCD televisions, fully equipped kitchen, central Air ConditioningAll rentals of one month to 6 months have 14 percent tax added. 6 months+ are tax exempt.For more information, visit their website.InterContinental Miami, an IHG HotelInterContinental Miami, an IHG Hotel is located at 100 Chopin Plaza, Miami, FL 33131This hotel is by the downtown waterfront, with the city’s business centers...

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