News in English

RS Feva Open Days

We’re excited to announce three upcoming RS Feva Open Days, designed for Club Members and their guests who want to experience the thrill of sailing in this dynamic class. These Open Days are a fantastic way for sailors to explore RS Feva, with top-tier coaching available for all attendees.


Dates: Saturday, November 9th | Sunday, November 10th | Saturday, November 16th

Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

What to Expect: Each session is led by expert Feva coaches who will guide sailors through an introduction to the class, provide coaching tips, and take them out on the water for an exhilarating experience. Sailors can try one session free of charge, offering the perfect opportunity to get a feel for RS Feva sailing with the guidance of our best coaches.

What to wear: Sailors should be dressed for November weather, full sailing gear, buoyancy aids, wetsuits or dry suits, hats, gloves etc. It will be colder afloat and sailors may be in the water. 

Whether you’re interested in discovering RS Feva or simply want to enjoy a day out on the water, don’t miss this opportunity to learn and experience all that this class has to offer!

Click here to register

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