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Michael Moore To MAGA Nation: Trump Is Toast

Filmmaker Michael Moore told MSNBC on Sunday night that he is confident and optimistic the American people are sick and tired of the divisiveness from Trump and the MAGA Nation are in for a rude awakening.

From your lips to God's ears, Michael.

MOORE: Well, I do, and I think a lot of people are like me.

And I think that they are going to be very surprised. I'm talking about the Trump people and the MAGA nation by what's gonna happen on Tuesday.

Yeah, not only do I feel, to answer your question, 10 minutes later, that I feel the same way that I felt a few weeks ago that Trump is toast.

Absolutely, I feel it more now.

I know I don't wanna say it too loudly because our work isn't done. We all have doors to knock on tomorrow.

We all have to make sure we get people to vote.

I've asked everybody to think of three people that maybe they know at work or school or whatever that aren't gonna vote to get them to the polls, drive them to the polls, take them to lunch afterwards, have a party after work, after you've taken the office to go vote.

We have work to do in these 48 hours.

But having said that, I am very optimistic and hopeful.

And frankly, I know people watching this, Mike, how can you say that?

You know, we have all these crazy people and all these Trumpsters and MAGA nation. And what I say to them is, honestly, I have a lot of personal deep faith in my fellow Americans.

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