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Denzel Washington Had Some Unexpected Physical Training for 'Gladiator II'

Denzel Washington spoke to Entertainment Weekly about preparing for his larger-than-life role in Gladiator II, but the sort of preparation the Oscar-winning actor undertook was unlike any he’d experienced before.

Washington is no novice to action movies, so the intricate battle scenes didn’t give him pause. The period-appropriate costumes, however, were a different story. The Malcolm X star has done many things on screen, but he’s never been tasked with wearing a dress. "[I didn't have] a whole lot of fight training,” Washington said, “but I had to learn to hold my goblet and lift my skirt when stepping over things. I had to learn to walk around with a dress on. I had to learn how to walk with sandals on," he explained.

When asked if donning the garb gave him a greater appreciation for the people of Ancient Rome, Washington cracked, "It gives me an appreciation for wearing a dress, period. I tripped a couple of times in the beginning, but I became one with my peers,” he joked.

Gladiator II is something of a departure in genre for Washington, but he was instantly attracted to the idea of working with director Ridley Scott. Washington teamed with Ridley’s late brother, Tony Scott, on five films. Gladiator II marks Washington’s second collaboration with Ridley after American Gangster (2007).

Washington has high hopes for Gladiator II, calling it “the biggest” production he’s worked on in terms of scale. “It is big, and it's brutal, and it's violent, and it's fun and escapism,” he said of the film. “It is a good day at the movies."

Gladiator II hits cinemas on Nov. 22. You can check out the trailer below.

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