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Elton's interim mayor elected to office, addresses town issues

ELTON, La. (KLFY) -- A new mayor has been elected in Elton.

Elton Mayor Mike Pierrotti has just been elected after serving as interim mayor since May of this year.

He became interim mayor after the town's previous mayor was recalled because of voter fraud allegations. Pierrotti said since taking office, it's been a constant catch-up.

"It's been a challenge in regard to catching up on things that possibly wasn't done or oversights," he said.

Over the past couple of years, citizens have voiced concerns over issues they've seen regarding the town's taxes not being paid and issues with inaccurate readings with their water meters. Pierrotti says it's something he's been addressing and working on.

"We were way behind in regard to our 941 payments. As of last week that is totally paid. I think we have a small thing to do with the state to get caught up with the unemployment taxes."

He says he's aware of the issues as they have been challenging.

"The water bills have been a challenge. We had put new meters in about six months ago and there's been challenges in regard to the software."

Pierrotti said despite the challenges, there has been progress in fixing the issues.

"We're making great progress but everybody wants everything done immediately. Unfortunately, it's just step-by-step to get caught up with everything," he said.

Anticipating it to be a challenge, Pierrotti said he's stepping up to the plate and just wants to push Elton to be the best town it can be.

Pierrotti said he's excited for the town to see some improvements like a newly renovated road, grants awarded to the town, and hopes of implementing scholarship opportunities for graduating high school students.

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