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Understanding the Science Behind Moxibustion

Written by - Laura Richter | Date of publication - Jul. 03, 2024Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning dried mugwort on specific points of the body. This article explores the science behind moxibustion, including how it works, its potential benefits, and its applications in modern medicine. Discover the mechanisms behind moxibustion's effects on the body, such as increasing blood circulation and stimulating the immune system. Learn about the various types of moxibustion and their specific uses. Explore the potential applications of moxibustion in treating conditions like pain, digestive disorders, and gynecological issues. Gain insights into the scientific research supporting moxibustion and its integration into modern healthcare practices.Introduction to MoxibustionMoxibustion is a therapeutic technique that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the burning of dried mugwort, also known as moxa, near specific points on the bod...

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