FRVR - Krunker - Knowledge Base
ClassesClasses may differ on each platformTriggermanThe Triggerman is the default class for all players that start the game. It’s effective at all ranges, balanced, it’s the easiest class to use, and very popular among beginners and experts alike.He’s equipped with the Assault Rifle and can equip secondary weapons.HunterThe Hunter is one of the most popular and most played classes in the game currently, it has low health but is very effective at long range since it’s equipped with the Sniper Rifle.Run n GunRun N Gun is designed for a fast-moving playstyle, with one of the fastest movement speeds in the game, and equipped with the SMG which has a very high fire rate but low damage output. It can also wall jump and wall grind.Spray n PraySpray N’ Pray is essentially a tank class, which has the highest health but is also the slowest in the game. He has an LMG which holds the largest amount of ammunition. It’s also the only class that cannot jump on top of any objects without using the kni...