First-Ever Saber-Toothed Cat Mummy Found in Siberian Permafrost - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel
- First-Ever Saber-Toothed Cat Mummy Found in Siberian Permafrost The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel
- Mummy of a juvenile sabre-toothed cat Homotherium latidens from the Upper Pleistocene of Siberia | Scientific Reports
- A Mummified Saber-Toothed Kitten Emerges in Siberia The New York Times
- 35,000-year-old saber-toothed kitten with preserved whiskers pulled from permafrost in Siberia
- A 35,000-Year-Old Saber-Toothed Cub Was Unearthed in Siberia—and It Still Had Its Whiskers and Claws Smithsonian Magazine