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AVQ&A: What's your favorite uncomfortable holiday movie?

We at The A.V. Club try to show some restraint and wait until the temps have stayed down or the last piece of Halloween candy has been consumed before we venture into the "holiday season." But with Thanksgiving now just around the corner, we're making our pop culture consumption plans, starting with the question: What's your favorite uncomfortable holiday movie?

This is far from the first time we've ventured into this territory: In 2008, we rounded up the holiday entertainments that don't make us want to claw our eyes out, and in 2017, we put together an ersatz marathon of non-holiday holiday movies. It's become our very own tradition at the site to add some much-needed spice to the sugary offerings that dominate the season.

As always, we invite you to contribute your own responses in the comments—and send in some prompts of your own! If you have a pop culture question you’d like us and fellow readers to answer, please email it to


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