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Women's Center at Westover Hills - Quality Care For Women.

Call Us At (210) 858-1101 Call To Make An Appointment (210) 858-1101 LOCATIONS OBSTETRICS Safe Medications Eating Healthy Discomforts of Pregnancy Schedule of Prenatal Care Traveling While Pregnant 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester 3D/4D Ultrasound Am I In Labor? Post-Partum Breastfeeding Resources Teddy Bear Heartbeat Session GYNECOLOGY Pap Smear Contraception Menstrual Cycle Irregular Menstrual Bleeding Menopause Osteoporosis Heart Health Hormone Replacement Therapy Sexually Transmitted Infections Vaginal Infections Herpes Urinary Incontinence ROBOTICS Endometriosis Hysterectomy Uterine Fibroids HEALTHCARE TEAMTEAM FAQS OFFICE INFORMATIONOFFICE Appointments PATIENT PRIVACYPRIVACY CONTACT Please call the office if these general instructions do not answer your questions. Preoperative Instructions Please notify your provider as soon as possible if you become ill before your surgery: vaginal bleeding, infection, fever, cold Your anesthetic management can be influenced by the effe...

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