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Hound (Companion)

The Hounds that accompany the Sisters of Parvos have each of their parts randomly selected on creation of the Sister, and the player will inherit their Hound upon vanquishing their controlling Sister. Vanquished Sisters are also guaranteed to drop one random Hound component blueprint, which can be assembled with Legs' assistance.A Hound companion needs four different components to be built, the Model, the Core, the Bracket, and the Stabilizer. Each component type has several options to choose from, allowing to customize stats and the Hound's type and appearance.The Hound's Model forms the machine's head and is the component that earns Mastery Rank points for the Hound after gilding. Each Model comes equipped with one Precept mod and weapon which can only be provided by that particular Model, though the Precepts and weapons can be used on any Hound once acquired.The Core determines the appearance of the Hound's torso, and modifies the base stats of the Hound.The Bracket determines the a...

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