News in English

My girlfriend is making digs in public about sex being too quick

DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend has started really grumbling about my performance.

When we have sex, I don’t ever make it to the one, never mind the two-minute mark and she is not happy.

She’s started to make snide comments in public and in the pub last week-end started calling me “Speedy”.

I’m 31 and she’s 33.

She has started to complain about being frustrated and has even started to hint that she might go elsewhere for sex.

DEIDRE SAYS: Your girlfriend’s insensitive attitude towards you is most likely the problem here.

If you are getting erections in the morning, the likely cause of your premature ejaculation is anxiety, which in part is being caused by your girlfriend’s behaviour.

Are you sure you want to be with someone so cold?

And by the way, it very often doesn’t take a rock-hard erection to satisfy a woman.

For more reassurance read my support pack Want To Last Longer?



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