News in English

My jealous brother is causing friction after my parents offered to pay for my wedding

DEAR DEIDRE: MY brother is fuming after our parents offered to pay for a big wedding for me.

He has had the same amount of money as me but he has spent it all on a flash car and expensive holidays, even though he is in debt and struggles to pay his bills.

I am 28 and my fiancé is 30. My parents love my boyfriend and get on well with him.

They have given us a substantial amount of money towards our special day next year.

It is causing friction in the family because of my brother, who’s 31.

He is arguing with us even though he forgets that my parents have helped him out loads of times over the years.

Every time my brother argues about the money he threatens us and says we will never see his children again.

I would cut him off for good if it wasn’t for his two lovely daughters.



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DEIDRE SAYS: This sounds like a case of sibling rivalry born out of your brother’s feelings of failure and frustration.

Ignore him when he rants about your wedding and don’t get into arguments – it is none of his business.

It is sad for his daughters if they hear their dad ranting. Children suffer when there is tension between the adults in their lives.

Tell them you love them and will always want to see them.

Your parents can get emotional support through Grandparents Apart ( should your brother carry out his threats.

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