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What Part Of Trump's Anatomy Has Ted Cruz Kissed?

On Fox News Monday evening, Sen. Ted 'Cancún' Cruz continued to debase himself by criticizing the MSNBC Morning Joe team in a lewd manner.

This was in response to Joe and Mika's admittedly disastrous visit to Mar-A-Gofundme to talk to Donald Trump after the election.

Ted Cruz was Trump's final opponent in the 2016 Republican primary race and was subjected to horrific attacks by Trump against both Cruz's wife and father.

Who is kissing what?

HANNITY: and then it goes further. Then you have Joe and Mika go to Mar-a-Lago and kiss the ring and suck up to suck up to Donald Trump. You can't make that story up.

CRUZ: Well, I'm not even sure they were kissing the ring. I think they were kissing a little bit lower than that

I'd say Cruz has kissed every part of Trump's body, but I don't want to leave that image in your mind.

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