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Ranking: The players with the most buzzer beaters in NBA history

5… 4… 3… 2… 1… BUZZZZZZ.

If you grew up a basketball fan, chances are that at some point, you have been in your driveway, local park or in the gym shooting around, dreaming about having the ball late in a close game and hitting a game-winning buzzer-beater.

Today, we put together a list ranking the players with the most buzzer-beaters in NBA history, a list featuring the likes of Michael JordanLeBron JamesKobe BryantLarry BirdDwyane Wade and more all-time, memorable players.

Some players surprisingly not on the list include Stephen CurryKevin Durant and James Harden.

Check out the full list below. (For the record, the average stats are for games where the player hit buzzer-beater game-winning shots).

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