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Trump suddenly doesn’t want to talk about the bigotry he campaigned on

Donald Trump said he doesn't want to talk about transgender rights issues anymore, despite demonizing the transgender community throughout his 2024 campaign.

In an interview with Time magazine published on Thursday, which named Trump "Person of the Year," Trump declined to say whether he supports transgender people who want to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. 

"I don’t want to get into the bathroom issue. Because it's a very small number of people we're talking about, and it's ripped apart our country, so they'll have to settle whatever the law finally agrees," Trump said in the interview with Time. "I am a big believer in the Supreme Court, and I'm going to go by their rulings, and so far, I think their rulings have been rulings that people are going along with, but we're talking about a very small number of people, and we're talking about it, and it gets massive coverage, and it's not a lot of people."

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