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Joseph Oughourlian - Amber Capital - 2024 13F Holdings, Performance, and AUM

Joseph Oughourlian founded Amber Capital Investment Management in 2005. Amber Capital is an event-driven value hedge fund. Oughourlian headed the Equity Arbitrage Proprietary Trading Desk at Société Général between 1997 and 2001. Initially Amber Capital operated as the asset management arm of SG Corporate & Investment Banking. London-based Amber Capital, which also has offices in New York City and Milan, was launched in 2005 as an independent entity. Amber mostly invests in value stocks, mergers, spin-offs, and takeovers. About one third of its investments are in the U.S. and the rest is in Europe. In 2007, Amber managed $7 billion at its peak. Oughourlian and Michel Brogard, Amber’s other co-founder, has averaged 12% annually between 2001 and early 2009. The fund's AUM in September 2017 was around $1.7 billion.

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