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BACKFIRE: DC Restaurant Releases Brutal Statement Announcing Firing of Woke Employee After She Smeared Trump Officials and Said She Would Not Serve Them

Suzannah Van Rooy Credit: Linkedin and RocketReach

A liberal DC Restaurant server has learned the hard way that words have consequences.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, several DC food workers wallowing in Kamala Harris’s landslide defeat told The Washingtonian in interviews on Wednesday that they would make Trump administration officials pay should they decide to visit their establishments, even at the cost of their livelihoods.

They feel it is their sworn duty to ‘own’ MAGA conservatives who want to save our country.

One of these leftists, Suzannah Van Rooy, worked as a server and manager at Beuchert’s Saloon on Capitol Hill. She told The Washingtonian the issue was a matter of ‘morality.’

“I personally would refuse to serve any person in office who I know of as being a sex trafficker or trying to deport millions of people,” she said.

“It’s not, ‘Oh, we hate Republicans.’ It’s that this person has moral convictions that are strongly opposed to mine, and I don’t feel comfortable serving them,” Van Rooy continued.

Van Rooy now probably wishes she had not made that statement or decided to remain anonymous because Beuchert’s Saloon decided to send her packing on Friday.

As one will see, the establishment minced no words in a brutal statement.

“Not only do Ms. Van Rooy’s comments clearly violate our zero-tolerance policy on discrimination, but her decision to sign into our social media accounts in the middle of the night to post her own rhetoric in wildly offensive responses to comments is a further breach of conduct and protocol. She has no authority to speak on our behalf, and her comments do not reflect the positions of over twenty other people who make up our staff,” the statement reads.

“For these reasons as well as the sheer dismay and disgust we feel at her unforgivable behavior, Ms. Van Rooy has been dismissed immediately. Our staff and families (many of whom are personally offended by Ms. Van Rooy’s comments about them) are still reeling from what Ms. Van Rooy said and did, and we as a restaurant are simply horrified to be associated with base prejudice,” the statement continued.

As Fox News notes, Van Rooy worked to help elect Democrats before entering the hospitality industry. According to her since-deleted LinkedIn page, she previously worked as an organizer for far-left Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke’s unsuccessful run for governor in 2022.

One should not be surprised if some woke elected official rescues her from unemployment because they see discriminating against conservatives as an asset.

The post BACKFIRE: DC Restaurant Releases Brutal Statement Announcing Firing of Woke Employee After She Smeared Trump Officials and Said She Would Not Serve Them appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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