Advocates push for more protections for fashion models
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10)----The Model Alliance is hoping the Governor will sign the Fashion Workers Act to give more protections to those in the modeling industry.
"I think there is this sense that fashion is glamorous, and models are making millions of dollars an hour, so privileged, and the reality for the vast majority of us is very different," explained Sara Ziff, Founder and Executive Director of the Model Alliance.
Ziff wants to improve working rights and protections for those in New York’s modeling industry.
"It’s mostly young immigrant women here in New York who are working in debt to their management companies, the very entities that claim to be working in their interests."
In an open letter, The Model Alliance called on the governor to sign the Fashion Workers Act into law. The letter has over 200 signatures from models supporting bill.
Assemblymember Karines Reyes sponsored the legislation and explained what’s in it.
"Simple protections like getting paid on time. Like having a clear contract and requirement of duties. Just transparency in the work that they are doing and protections against retaliation, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, currently all those protections that are not afforded to models and creatives because of the type of work that they do," said Reyes.
The Assemblymember said negotiations with the Governor’s Office over the bill language have been taking place.
They’re hoping Hochul will sign the legislation by December 24th.