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Updated figures of passport applications processed on Horse Source – December 20th, 2024

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) has issued an update on the number of passport applications processed during the week ending December 20th, through Horse Source. This week, 440 foal passports were issued, bringing the number completed to 3,317. There has been a total of 6,440 foal passport applications received through Horse Source, of which 6,039 are pedigree applications. To date, 4,475 foal kits have been returned from breeders to HSI for pedigree applications, with the number of pedigree foal passports issued to breeders now 3,031, equating to 68% of pedigree applications have passports issued, where DNA has been provided by customers. A further 286 non-pedigree applications have also been completed, bringing the total to 3,317. 23% of DNA Kits have not been returned to HSI from breeders. Once these are received, we can send them to the laboratory and process their applications. HSI have processed 83% of applications that have DNA […]

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