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'Guess what? Trump can't primary all of us': GOP lawmakers threaten revolt over bullying

According to multiple journalists appearing on MSNBC on Saturday afternoon, there is a growing belief that Donald Trump won't be getting everything his heart desires from GOP lawmakers when he is sworn in on January 20.

Speaking with host Alex Witt, Melanie Zanona of Punchbowl News claimed that the sheer number of Republican House members who balked at the version of the budget bill the president-elect was demanding has given them a sense of what host Witt called "strength in numbers" from his attacks.

"On that one bill that had the debt limit demand, you had 38 Republicans who voted against it, so that was a little surprising even for some of us on Capitol Hill to see that level of Republicans," Zanona told the host. "Most of them were fiscal conservatives, people who have made, you know, cutting back spending really a hallmark of their congressional careers, a lot of Freedom Caucus members."

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"But there were some surprising votes in there as well," she elaborated. "There was a member of the leadership team, Rep. Blake Moore from Utah. There were some retiring members which are some interesting votes."

"I think the big picture here is that there are some moments where there's going to be some willingness to defy Trump," she predicted. " don't think there's going to be a lot of those moments, but there's going to be some clashes between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch."

"As far as the primary threats, I was talking to some members on Capitol Hill this week, and they said ' Well, guess what? Trump can't primary all of us.' In the end i think it was 170-something Republicans who voted for that final bill."

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