Like Mukesh Ambani’s Rs 15000 crore Antilia, Anil Ambani and Tina Ambani’s home ‘Abode’ is also a luxurious property, it is worth…, was earlier owned by…
Anil Dhirubhai Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Group, is the younger brother of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani. In 2008, Anil was listed as the sixth-richest person in the world, surpassing his elder brother, with a net worth of USD 42 billion (approximately Rs 350 crore today), according to Forbes. At the time, he was at the helm of Reliance ADA Group and commanded immense wealth and influence.
However, in recent years, Anil Ambani faced significant financial challenges. In February 2020, he declared bankruptcy amidst mounting legal battles and liabilities, claiming his net worth had dwindled to zero. Despite these setbacks, Anil has managed to stabilize his financial standing. As per reports from The Times of India and DNA, his current net worth is estimated at USD 29.9 million (around Rs 249 crore), and his company boasts a market valuation of Rs 10,759 crore.
Anil Ambani is married to Tina Ambani, a former Bollywood actress, and the couple has two sons, Jai Anmol Ambani and Jai Anshul Ambani. They reside in “Abode,” a luxurious 17-storey, 16,000 sqft house in Pali Hill, Mumbai, along with his mother Kokilaben, wife, sons, and daughter-in-law, Krisha Shah.
Before moving to their iconic residence Antilia on Altamount Road, Mukesh Ambani and his wife, Nita Ambani, also lived in this house. After their relocation, Kokilaben chose to stay with her younger son Anil and his family, continuing the legacy of togetherness.