News in English

Fairfax accepts preliminary application for 243-apartment project

Fairfax has formally accepted a preliminary application for a 243-apartment complex at School Street Plaza.

The developer, Mill Creek Residential of San Francisco, initially filed the documents on Nov. 12, but the town staff determined them to be incomplete. The developer filed additional materials on Dec. 4. The application was deemed complete by town staff on Dec. 13, Mayor Lisel Blash said.

A full application must be submitted by June 2, or 180 days from the preliminary filing.

The application invokes Senate Bill 330, the state law that allows for greater housing density and limits the town’s ability to reject the proposal.

The six-story project at 95 Broadway would includes 202 market-rate residences and 41 for low-income households. The housing would include studio apartments and apartments with one, two or three bedrooms. The proposal includes two levels of parking with 322 spaces and four stories of apartments. The housing would comprise 257,039 square feet.

The project also would include 5,750 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor. It would have offices, a fitness center and a lobby.

“The site is occupied by two existing buildings that contain commercial offices. The existing buildings will be demolished for construction of the proposed project,” the preliminary application said.

Fairfax, like jurisdictions throughout California, has a state mandate to allow more housing. The town’s assigned share is 490 new dwellings by 2031, the end of the eight-year planning cycle.

The site includes 6, 8, 10 and 12 School St., with 95 Broadway as the primary address. The housing plan prompted the eviction of the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, which is seeking to reopen at 1591-1593 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.

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