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Plate Snow Crystal with Sector-like Extensions

Photographer: Wilson BentleySummary Author: Jim Foster

This elegant snow crystal was photographed by Wilson Alwyn Bentley (1865-1931) over a century ago. Along with hundreds of other such mesmerizing photomicrographs, it’s housed at the Bentley Snow Crystal Collection in the Schwerdtfeger Library, at the University of Wisconsin. Based on the Lee/Magano system of classifying snow crystals, this specimen is labeled as a plate crystal with sector-like extensions (P2f). The extensions appear somewhat smoothed perhaps due to melt. Regardless of its intricacies, it’s nonetheless 6-sided, exhibiting classic six-fold symmetry


Related Links:Dendritic Snow Crystal with Sector-like Ends


Wishing you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Healthy 2025

Erin Senoz, Stu Witmer, Jim Foster

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