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How Much Can You Make Selling Car Parts Online? - My Fitment

If you’re looking to start selling car parts and accessories online, you’re in luck. The online automotive aftermarket is a growing sector, and many retailers are making great money by selling auto parts and accessories online.In this article, we’ll talk about the online automotive aftermarket and where retailers can sell their auto parts and accessories. We’ll also look at how much, on average, an auto-part retailer can earn by selling car parts and accessories online.The Online Automotive Aftermarket Sector By The NumbersThe automotive parts and accessories industry is one of the many that have seen significant online sales since 2020, owing, in large part, to COVID-19. The record levels of internet auto maintenance, components, and accessories sales over the past couple of years are expected to continue growing in the years ahead.Online auto parts and accessory sales in the United States have surpassed $16 billion in 2020 and $17.7 billion in 2021, a 29.9% yearly increase. According...

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