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Good and bad racing changes


A good decision by Winston Peters:

Racing Minister Winston Peters has announced the Government’s plans to end greyhound racing in New Zealand.

“This is not a decision that is taken lightly but is ultimately driven by protecting the welfare of racing dogs.

“Despite significant progress made by the greyhound racing industry in recent years, the percentage of dogs being injured remains persistently high and the time has come to make a call in the best interest of the animals,” Mr Peters says.

The injury rates were horrendous. Winston is known to be very very pro-racing, so for him to agree to this is no small thing.

Earlier he announced:

Racing Minister Winston Peters has announced the introduction of legislation to amend the Racing Industry Act 2020 which will extend TAB NZ’s current land-based monopoly for sports and racing betting to online.

There should be no monopoly. There should be a level playing field, with multiple companies offering betting under the same regulatory regime.

The post Good and bad racing changes first appeared on Kiwiblog.

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