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2024 Crookie Awards: Kimberly Guilfoyle As Ambassador To Greece

As we previously discussed here at C&L on the nomination, Trump is definitely not sending our best to Greece with skanky Kimberly Guilfoyle as ambassador:

As Conover recently wrote, Donald Trump’s decision to name the woman his son just dumped smacks of a payoff to keep her quiet and out of the country. It’s certainly not because Guilfoyle is “supremely qualified to represent the United States and safeguard its interests abroad,” as he claimed.

This is a woman who was pushed out of Fox News “following a human resources investigation into allegations of inappropriate behavior including sexual misconduct,” as per HuffPost. That included “showing personal photographs of male genitalia to colleagues (and identifying whose genitals they were), regularly discussing sexual matters at work and engaging in emotionally abusive behavior toward hair and makeup artists and support staff.”

And, as Ellen explained at the time, that wasn't the only reason she was a horrible pick:

As Media Matters’ Matt Gertz explains below, Guilfoyle criticized Greeks for rejecting a bailout offer from European creditors in 2015, when she was still a cohost on Fox’s The Five.

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