News in English

some history of Maruti Cars ! - Osamu Suzuki, is no more !!

In mid 1970s, there were handful cars in Triplicane – couple of Ambassadors and Fiats.  Even two-wheeled motor-cycles were rare – some owned Jawa with pride, some Rajdoots and very few Enfield Bullets; there were of course Lambretta, Bajaj & Vijay scooters. 

Ambassaddor was the standard car (ran as Taxis); there were Standard 10s, Fiat had vanished to become Premier Padmini, Chevrolet and Morris Minor ran as janvasam vehicles.   

Common men relied on public transport and some had bicycles at home.  There would be Taxi stands with Fiats & Ambassadors who would charge so high for a drop at  ...

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