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Recipe for Disaster - RuneScape Guide

70 Cooking20 Firemaking48 AgilityMust have started the Legends quest.Must be able to defeat high leveled, tough monsters176 Quest PointsEye of Newt, Rotten tomato, Greenman's ale, Fruit blast, Knife, Ashes, 316gp, 3 Buckets of milk, 2 Pots of flour, 2 Eggs, 2 Bowls of water, 4 Asgarnian ales, Ice gloves, Charcoal, Spice or Gnome spice, 1 Fishing bait, 2 Bread, Orange slices, any Dye other than orange, red, or yellow, 3 Bronze wires, Needle, Fishbowl, Pestle and mortar, Raw cod, Cake tin, Kitten/Cat/Wily/Lazy Cat, lots of Stews, Hatchet, Pickaxe, Any ogre bow, Any ogre/brutal arrows, Iron spit, Log, Tinderbox, Ogre bellows, Ball of wool, Pot of cream, Raw sweetcorn, Hatchet, Machete, Pot, Raw chicken, Dramen staff, Anti-dragonbreath shield (or a Dragonfire sheild), Rope, M'speak Amulet, and 3 Greegrees (Ninja/Archer, Guard, and Zombie).Optional: 2 Lemons, 1 Orange, 1 Pineapple, Cocktail glass, and Cocktail shaker.Prayer potions, Antipoison, Super Restore potions, Ring of Charos (a), Wea...

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