Why are Respiratory Infections so Dangerous? - Miller & Wagner
The inability to breathe can be terrifying and lead to lasting damage, in fact a human can only survive around two minutes without oxygen before permanent damage is likely to occur. One of the most serious symptoms of an acute respiratory infection is restricted breathing – making respiratory illness an especially dangerous condition. In the face of these types of infections physicians must act in a prompt and thorough manner to provide the best treatment possible.If a physician fails to treat an infection sufficiently, and complications such as pneumonia, respiratory failure, or death occurs, a physician may be held liable for medical malpractice.What are the Types & Causes of Acute Respiratory Infections?When any component of the upper or lower airway becomes infected, it can lead to an acute respiratory infection. The upper respiratory system begins in the sinuses and ends in the vocal cords while the lower respiratory system starts at the vocal cords and ends in the lungs. The body...