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Can I be fined for riding a motorcycle in snow?

AP: Associated Press

ROAD laws can be confusing and sudden changes in the weather might make you question if you need to adjust your motoring habits.

Riding a motorbike in the snow means that you might have to change how you ride your bike. Here’s everything you need to know.

Driving in the snow comes with the risk of black ice
Getty Images

Motorbike laws when it snows

There are no laws that prevent you from riding your motorbike in the snow.

That means there is no fine for riding your bike either. 

Of course, standard road safety laws apply which mean you must wear your crash helmet. 

Also, if you slip on the ice, the burden of proof that the roads were incorrectly maintained will be on you.

This is due to a decision made in the House of Lords, which required Highways Authorities to manage snow and ice on roads.

Staying safe on the roads

Although there is nothing in law to stop you from riding your motorbike in the snow, there is a safety risk

Snow can make road surfaces slippery and unstable, which could lead to an accident. 

There are several precautions you can take to make your ride safer though. 

Use a defogging agent on your visor to ensure that you can see clearly. 

Also, take your time when driving so that you can prepare for unseen hazards including black ice

Motorbikes have less contact with the road than a car, which makes them even more likely to skid or slide. 

Wearing reflective layers can make you more visible if you are driving in the dark. 

Checking your battery is also advised as motorbike batteries are notoriously unreliable in winter weather. 

Snow can cause significant disruption on the roads
The Mega Agency

Rider signs

There are several signals that you can use on a motorbike to communicate to fellow riders, if you are driving together.

To warn them about an upcoming hazard, simply stretch out your hand while keeping your palm parallel with the road. 

Then, slowly lower your palm. 

If you are feeling unsafe on the road, show the rider behind you the open palm of your hand.

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