People are only just realising what AM and PM stand for – and it’s blowing their minds
PEOPLE’S minds have been left blown, after realising what AM and PM means.
There are many words and phrases that we use every single day, that we never question the meaning of.
A common example of this is AM and PM, which most of us have likely never seen written out as full length words.
Curious to find out the meaning behind these letters, one X (Twitter) user, @IAMTOINEJ, recently asked: “I might be called stupid after this, but WTF does ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ stand for?”
The post sent the internet into meltdown and received 159,000 likes and 47000 replies.
Some were baffled, and said that the answer is common knowledge, whilst others shared that they had no idea.
AM is a Latin phrase which means ante meridiem, which translates as before midday.
PM means post meridium, which translates to after midday.
One person said: “I’ve never in my life thought to ask this question… lmao.”
Sharing a jokey anecdote, another person added: “Haha, my wife just said, ‘almost morning and past morning?'”
A third person said: “‘I bet 5,000 people got the answer to that question from this post, when they didn’t even have the question in them before this post.
“That makes it a great post. It made people think and answered the question.”
However, others were not so kind, and cruelly ridiculed those who weren’t aware of the answer.
One person said: “@realDonaldTrump please do not defund education.”
Another person said: “Wow, this gives me a great idea!
“What if there was some way on the internet that you could search for answers without having to ask specific people?
“I think a site that could do that might do very well.”