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UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

Level 2 Compassion shown hereDefined as the quality of having nonjudgmental empathy for one's fellow creatures, in UO, Compassion is: one of the virtues of the Virtue System; a Moongate to/from Ilshenar; and a Shrine.Contents1 The Virtue Compassion1.1 Gaining Compassion2 The Compassion Moongate3 The Compassion Shrine4 LoreThe Virtue CompassionThe Virtue Compassion is but one of eight virtues found in the Virtue System. It is represented on the Virtue Gump as a heart.The Virtue of Compassion allows a character to resurrect others with more than one hitpoint, as with normal resurrections. The benefits of Compassion are well worth the effort in gaining the ability, as it helps prevent rez-killings from both players and monsters. It also gets the resurrected person back into the action faster and conserves the mana/bandages/time healing them back up to full hit points. There are also aspects of roleplaying in which having the Virtue of Compassion is desirable.Gaining CompassionGaining in t...

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