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Types of surgery for nasopharyngeal cancer

Surgery is not a common treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer. This is because the area is difficult to reach and surrounded by important nerves and blood vessels.You are most likely to have surgery to remove lymph nodes in your neck after radiotherapy if your surgeon thinks they may contain cancer cells. Read more about lymph nodes and cancerSurgery to remove cancer in the nasopharynx Your surgeon might suggest you have surgery to remove the cancer in your nasopharynx. This is called a nasopharyngectomy. You might have this if the cancer is small and has come back after previous treatment such as radiotherapy.You might have more radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy after your surgery.Types of surgery You might have endoscopic surgery to remove the cancer. Your surgeon uses a special instrument called an endoscope to reach the nasopharynx through the mouth or nose. The endoscope has a camera and a light. Small instruments pass through the endoscope to remove the cancer. If endoscopic surger...

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